Post a photo of a Shake Shack burger to Instagram, Path, Google , Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Foodspotting and now Medium, plus perhaps I still use Flickr or a service like Picturelife. The restaurant might collect those photos via Chute or Olapic. I can mix the burger photos to make a photo collage on Mixel. I can get into my opinion about the restaurant on Foursquare or Yelp or debate the best burger in the city with only smart people I let in on Branch…and also Twitter, and maybe Quora. Someone else will consume that content on any of the above sites, or Flipboard, Pulse, Bloglovin or whatever I cross post to Twitter or Facebook which have both become firehoses of everything, uncurated. Am I leaving anything out?
– – Quantum of Social
There is a differentiation going on.